Using Tools


Den Building

Decorating Dens




Forest Schools

Forest School is a nurture based provision, with wellbeing at its foundation which aims to recognise the social, emotional and physical needs of its participants. Children will engage in learner led exploration and discovery, creating inspired experiences that will foster learning and growth. Forest School aims to nurture meaningful experiences for life long impacts; embracing challenge so that over time, children build character, resilience and empathy, and form a greater sense of connection, with nature and for our shared future.

What Forest School aims to do: 

  • Excite and interest!
  • Create a respect for nature and our environment.
  • Create an open and respectful environment. 
  • Allow children’s voices to be heard and their feelings to be recognised.
  • Create experiences that enrich the senses and stimulate discussion.
  • Allow children to learn through risk and challenge.

2024 - 2025

2023 - 2024

Early Years


At the start of the term, during each session, the children had a variety of activities that they could choose from based on their own personal interests. 

These activities included...

  • Den building/decorating
  • Building things out of natural materials
  • Plant identification
  • Bug hunting
  • Building
  • Crayon rubbings
  • Making bird feeders
  • Using the nature books
  • Free exploration

World Book Day

For World Book Day, the children explored the book 'Stick Man'. Miss Plews read the book and then the children had a go at making their own stick men characters. 

Snow Day

Ladybirds enjoyed an afternoon in the snow. They went for a winter walk, caught snow flakes on their tongues, did some mark making in the snow and then practiced their snow ball making and snow angels. 

Gardening in Nursery

The Nursery children have been working very hard to make the Nursery garden look beautiful! They have been growing lots of lovely flowers including; Primulas, Daffodils, Wild Flowers and Shasta Daisies.

Science Week

For Science Week, the children explored micro-habitats. They used pooters to collects the mini-beasts and then used magnifying glasses to have a closer look at them. 


Bug Hotel




Years 1 and 2 


Easter Scavenger Hunt

As an end of term treat, Miss Plews organised an Easter scavenger hunt for the Year 1/2 children. They had to find a number of photos around the outdoor area, which then led to the next photo. Each photo had a number and a coloured pen, which they then used to mark off the number on their sheet. 

The final image led them to find the golden egg, which was full of chocolatey goodness!!!


Years 3 and 4 


Bug Hunting

Koalas Spring Walk










Den Building

3/4 have learnt a variety of different knots which they have been able to apply to the skill of den building. They have used their teamwork skills to work together to build their dens. 

Once the dens were up, the children could then decorate their dens however they liked. 


3/4 have also learnt how to use a variety of tools. They can use these skills to make lots of different things and to prepare wood for a fire. 


Folding Saws


Year 5 Allotment Area Project

During the Spring term, the year 5's took on the challenge of making over the allotment area. They worked hard digging the wooden beds into the ground, turning over the soil and filling the beds with compost. They also tidies up the area of leaves, long grass and debris from the overhanging tree. 

They also planted lots of vegetables in the Poly-Tunnel, which we will then transfer into the vegetable beds, when they are ready. 

Autumn Term

Early Years

Reception were introduced tp Forest Schools with a session where they collected natural materials and made things using these materials. 

The children helped to put up one of the dens. Then, they used the natural materials found in the area to decorate the dens as a team. 

As a Christmas treat, we had a fire and the children practiced their songs for their Nativity. 

Years 1 and 2 

Year 1/2 were introduced to Forest School with an exploration of the senses. 

They foraged for things that they like the feel of... 

They went on a scavenger hunt for certain natural materials...

They made perfumes ...

The children then used natural materials that they foraged to create their own characters. 

Miss Dash helped Bernard save some of the flowers that had been crowded by overgrown weeds. He rescued them from the beds at the front of school and planted them up in the new beds by the sheds. 

Years 5 and 6 

Miss Plews challenged the Year 5/6 children to build a Tippy Tap. She gave them all the equipment needed, including the instructions and told them to work as a team to build the structure. 

The children also learnt how to use the tools to prepare wood for a fire. 

2022 - 2023

Exploring Nature