Special Educational Needs and Disabilities



Meet the team:

 Lead Practitioner for SEND is Mrs. R. Biller

Designated Safeguarding and Wellbeing Lead is Mrs. V. Warren

Child and Family Support Worker and Attendance is Miss B. Fisher

Higher Learning Teaching Assistant for Social, Emotional and Mental Health is Miss A. Rankine

 Pastoral Support Worker is Miss L Douglas


Please phone: 01132930275 or email: admin@swarcliffeprimary.co.uk should you wish to speak to a member of the inclusion team.



Our Core Offer: 

Swarcliffe Primary School and Nursery is a highly inclusive community primary school which strives to meet the individual needs of all its learners.  We work in partnership with children, parents and outside agencies to provide the best possible outcomes for all our children, including those with a range of additional and complex needs. The School’s SEND Inclusion policy and procedures ensure that high expectations, early intervention and appropriate support for all our children are in place to ensure they reach their full potential.


Pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported.

Ofsted 2020




The following polices are available and reflect the school’s commitment to inclusion, safety and the well-being of all our children.

SEND Inclusion Policy

Safeguarding / Child Protection Policy

Behaviour Policy

Teaching and Learning Policy

Single Equality Scheme and Action Plan

Anti-Bullying Policy

Health and Safety Policies

E-Safety Policy


What do I do if I think my child has special educational needs or disabilities?

This flow chart shows the step by step procedure if school or parents thinks that a child may have a special educational need:




How will school support my child?

Your child’s class teacher will plan and deliver learning opportunities that meet the needs of your child.  This forms part of the school's universal provision.  If you or the class teacher has a further concern, this will be discussed with a member of the SEND team when extra support or advice may be provided.  Your child may take part in additional small group activities or receive individual support. This is called targeted support.  Your child’s teacher can provide information in detail about the specific provision and arrangements that are in place for your child. Based on your child's needs, an Individual Provision Map will be produced and shared with you.  



How is SEND Provision monitored?

The Leadership Team rigorously monitor learning and need through pupil progress meetings.  Through this process personalised learning gaps are identified and a programme put in place to help close the gap.

How will I know how well my child is doing? How will school support my child's learning?

At Swarcliffe Primary School and Nursery we have an ‘open door’ policy where parents can request a meeting with the class teacher, or a member of the Leadership Team. In addition to this, we have parent’s consultation evenings and written reports. We also send home a copy of the PLP/PP so that parents are fully informed.  Teachers are available on the playground every morning and every evening. Additional SEND reviews are arranged for pupils with more complex needs and these are sometimes attended by external agencies too.

What specialist services and expertise are available and accessed by school?

Swarcliffe Primary follow the 'Graduated Approach' to SEND. This is where we 'assess, plan do and review' (see flow chart for more information).  When at the review stage, we find that your child is still not making enough progress, we would then complete a referral to an external professional for additional advice and support.  This would be always be in consultation with the parent or carer.  In most cases, a consultation with the professional, school and parent/carer would take place and this would help determine the course of action.  A report or support plan is provided is always shared with the parent/carer.  

Here are some of the external professionals school work with:

  • Educational Psychology
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Special Educational Needs Inclusion Team (SENIT)
  • Occupational Therapy through ICAN services
  • Deaf and Hearing impairment team (DAHIT)
  • MindMate SPA

Once your 

You will find more services available through the Leeds Local Offer: https://leedslocaloffer.org.uk/#!/directory 




What support will there be for my child's overall well-being?

Nurture is at the heart of our practice and school provides a nurturing environment through daily emotional check-ins, pupil voice, resources to aid learning and through the established Wellbeing Ambassadors who are working hard to support their fellow pupils. Furthermore, we have the PSHE curriculum which is taught through dedicated lessons. You will find more information about the PSHE curriculum page of the website.

Additional to this we have a dedicated Pastoral Team who provide bespoke targeted interventions for children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs. These are delivered within school for as little or for as long as the children need. Some children , however, require interventions, such as Sensory Circuits, as part of their need and these are delivered on a daily basis.  All interventions are reviewed with the teacher, parent and pupil. 

Have a look through this booklet to see how we support children with social, emotional and mental health needs: 



What training do staff supporting children with SEND have?

We pride ourselves in having highly trained staff in all areas of need e.g. autism, speech and language, medical, nurture, parental support, Draw and Talk therapy, bereavement and loss counselling, developing independence, hearing impaired support and many more

..How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom?

Wherever possible, the school ensures that all activities and school visits are accessible to all pupils including those children with additional needs.

Sometimes, Individual Pupil Risk Assessments or Care Plans may be used to include specific advice for trips. These are considered on an individual basis.

How accessible is the school?

The school is fully accessible on one level and has appropriate access, ramps, a small lift and disabled toilets.  The school works effectively with the relevant professionals to enable children with specific needs to attend school e.g. Occupational Therapists.

How will the school help my child on transfer to their next phase of education?

Individual transition programmes are designed for pupils with additional needs to ensure transfers run smoothly and effectively.  These are overseen by the SEND team and Phase Leaders. 

.How are the school's resources/funding allocated and matched to the children's needs?

The school is funded on a national formula.  Blocks of £6,000 are allocated depending on the number of children who meet the criteria.

The school can apply for a ‘top-up’ based on strict criteria if it is felt the child’s needs are above that which can be met through the £6,000 block funding.

The school uses the additional funding to meet the specific needs of an individual.  In many cases this will help fund additional staff to support with learning, to promote independence or to support with medical or care needs.


How are parents involved in the school?

The school has an ‘open door’ policy and welcome parental involvement.

Parents are informed regularly about teaching and learning and other events through newsletters, class information leaflets, parent consultations, text messaging service and the school website.


Parents are invited to join us in celebration assemblies, concerts, productions and coffee mornings, where children are able to showcase their learning.  We have a PTA who actively supports the school with events such as school disco’s, Christmas and summer fund raising.

Education, Health and Care Plan 

An Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), is required for children up to the age of 25 who have significant and long-term special educational needs. Please click on the link to view the most recent information by the Special Educational Needs Statutory Assessment and Provision Team (SENSAP) about the EHCP process:


We are excited to share the new Neurodiversity Information Hub developed by the Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust.  Please refer to the poster below for more information.