Welcome to Key Stage One

Welcome to our phase page. Here you will find information about school life for children who are in Year One or Two and in one of the following classes: Meerkats, Raccoons or Koalas.


Children in Key Stage One focus on:

  • Developing their independence in all areas of school life;
  • Learning how to read (decode), building on their learning from Foundation Stage;
  • hands on learning and exploring new concepts for themselves and
  • A love for learning.


These years are important for your child as they learn the fundamental learning blocks they need before moving on into Key Stage Two.

Spring 1 - Who was the First Man on the Moon?

Welcome back to Spring 1 in KS1! We hope that you had a lovely Christmas and are excited for Spring 1!

This half term, we will be learning about space! 

Our important person this half term is Neil Armstrong.

On the 20th July 1969, Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon. 

Neil Armstrong was born on the 5th of August 1930 in his home town in Wapakoneta, Ohio, U.S.A. 

In Maths, we will continue to develop our understanding of place value. We will use our knowledge to add and subtract numbers to and from the next 10 and across 10.

We will also be focusing on reasoning questioning and using mixed addition and subtraction methods. We are going to look at comparing number sentences and missing number problems.

At the end of the term we will be focusing on our times tables and counting in 2's, 5's, 10's and 3's. 

In English, we will be creating our very own Newspaper Reports. We will be using our Rocket Crash Launch to write a recount!

We will then  be focusing on writing a setting description of the Moon. We will be using our Fantastics to help us uplevel our vocabulary and thesauruses to use more exciting words in our writing. We will be using our exciting adjectives to write 2a and 4a sentences!

Afterwards, we will be focusing on the book 'Man on the Moon'. We will focus on retelling the story using actions and freeze frames! We will be discussing what Bob would do if he met an alien and creating our very own ending for the story!

In Science, we are going to be learning about the Solar system and focus on ordering the planets and the sun. We will also be learning about the scientist Mae Jemison, we will be researching about her and using secondary sources to find answers! 

In History, we are looking into the race to space and using different sources to find information! We will then be finding out about the moon landing, facts about Neil Armstrong and researching into Christopher Columbus and comparing the similarities and differences between Armstrong and Columbus. 

In RE, we will be discussing why it is important to make new people feel welcome, we will talk about the different ways to welcome a baby into your family, why babies are special, what gifts would you like to give a new baby and discuss what do names mean and why are they important? 

In Art, we will looking into the artist Peter Thorpe, we will be using chalk and pastels to recreate our very own Peter Thorpe space piece!

In PSHE, we be focusing on beginning to understand empathy and online bullying. We will be discussing what bullying is, how people may bully others and how it can make someone feel. 


We will be continuing with our Read Write Inc Phonics Groups daily to develop our reading skills.

Home Learning:

We are continuing with the homework Rainbow this year, which can be found in the front of the children’s homework books. The children will have a range of tasks to choose from, and their points will be added up each week. Homework books should be returned to school on Wednesdays.

New reading books will be sent out weekly, we ask that you read with your child every day and write a short comment in their reading record to let us know how your child is doing with the book.

Please follow the links below if you wish to continue further learning at home;

Maths - https://whiteroseeducation.com/parent-pupil-resources/maths/home-learning

Phonics - https://www.ruthmiskin.com/parents/

Links to taught phonics sounds will be sent individually on Class Dojo each week.


PE Kit:

PE lesson will continue to take place on a weekly basis every Friday. Please can all children come dressed in their new PE kits which were given out at the beginning of the year and make sure they have a water bottle with them.

Autumn 2- How did London burn?

Welcome back to Autumn 2 in KS1! We hope that you had a fantastic half term and are ready for the excitement of Autumn 2!

This half term, we will be learning about The Great Fire of London!

Our important person this half term is Samuel Pepys. 

Samuel Pepys wrote a diary in the 1600's. The diary documented many important events in the 17th century which have helped with our understanding of the Plague and The Great Fire.


Samuel Pepys was born in London in 1633. He went to Cambridge University and later worked for the parliament and the Royal Navy. 


We will learn about what Samuel Pepys wrote in his diary and use this information to learn about the events of The Great Fire of London.

In Maths, we will continue to develop our understanding of place value. We will use our knowledge to add and subtract numbers. We will continue to use the part-part whole model to do this, as well as learning how to add and subtract using a number line.

We will then use our place value and counting knowledge to identify and make equal groups. We will talk about what "equal" means and learn how to check that we have equal amounts.

We will then use our knowledge to create equal groups.


In English, we will be learning about Samuel Pepys and looking at the famous diary that he wrote during The Great Fire of London in 1666. We will then use our knowledge to write a diary entry, pretending that we are Samuel Pepys!

We will be using the FANTASTICs to help us uplevel our vocabulary and use more exciting words in our writing! We will use our exciting adjectives to write exciting 2a and 4a sentences about The Great Fire of London.

We will then look at The Christmas Story and retell it in our own words.

In Science, we will be look at different materials and their properties.

We will then learn about the materials used to build houses in 1666 and why this contributed to the spread of the fire. 

We will compare different materials and compare materials used to build houses in 1666 and now.


We will then use this knowledge to build our own Tudor Houses in D.T. 

We will design our Tudor house before building it. Whilst building, we will talk about the materials that we are using and how they would burn in a fire. We will compare materials and discuss why they are used. 


We will then evaluate our houses. We will evaluate how they looked, if they looked like our design, look specifically at the skills we used when building them and talk about what we would do differently next time.

In PSHE, we will be looking at our mental health and emotional well-being. We will be identifying different feelings and emotions and talking about how we feel. We will discuss when we have felt different ways.

We will link this to our knowledge of The Zones of Regulation and discuss how we can 'get to green' when we feel angry, upset, tired of excited.



In Geography we will be learning about Human and Physical features. We will go on a walk in the local area and identify different features. 

We will then use our knowledge to look at London and identify human and physical features of England's capital city, We will talk about how London has changed since 1666, but identify that the physical features, such as the River Thames have stayed the same.


We will then look at the four countries that make up the United Kingdom and look at their capital cities. We will look how that are similar and differ to London.

We will be continuing with our Read Write Inc Phonics Groups daily to develop our reading skills.

Home Learning:

We are continuing with the homework Rainbow this year, which can be found in the front of the children’s homework books. The children will have a range of tasks to choose from, and their points will be added up each week. Homework books should be returned to school on Wednesdays.

New reading books will be sent out weekly, we ask that you read with your child every day and write a short comment in their reading record to let us know how your child is doing with the book.

Please follow the links below if you wish to continue further learning at home;

Maths - https://whiteroseeducation.com/parent-pupil-resources/maths/home-learning

Phonics - https://www.ruthmiskin.com/parents/

Links to taught phonics sounds will be sent individually on Class Dojo each week.


PE Kit:

PE lesson will continue to take place on a weekly basis every Friday. Please can all children come dressed in their new PE kits which were given out at the beginning of the year and make sure they have a water bottle with them.


Autumn 1- Dinosaurs!

Welcome back to all of our children, parents and carers! We hope that you have had a lovely summer holidays and are excited for the Autumn term!


This term, we will be learning all about dinosaurs!

Our important person this half term is Mary Anning! 

Mary Anning was a famous fossil hunter in the nineteenth century. Mary discovered the first plesiosaur fossil which greatly contributed to the scientific understanding of dinosaurs and their existence. 

We will research Mary Anning, learning all about her life and her amazing discoveries.

In Maths, we will be learning about place value. We will be counting to and recognising numbers to 100. We will learn how to represent numbers using different resources such as objects, cubes, base ten and ones.

We will then use this knowledge to find one more and one less than a given number. We will then move on to addition and subtraction within 100.
We will focus on number bonds and representing these in number sentences. We will also use the part-part whole model to complete a range of addition and subtraction questions. 


In English, we will be reading the stories 'Rumpus Jumpus Dinosaurumpus' and 'Dinosaur Chase'. We will be learning about rhyming words and finding a moral in a story.

We will be using the FANTASTICs to help us uplevel our vocabulary and use more exciting words in our writing! We will then write character descriptions about our favourite dinosaur characters!

Towards the end of the Autumn term, we will consolidate all of our new dinosaur knowledge to write our own fact files!

In Science, we will be look at different species of dinosaurs. We will learn how to identify each dinosaur and about the environment that they like to live in.

We will then learn the terminology 'carnivore', 'herbivore' and 'omnivore'. We will learn what these words mean and then look at the diet of different dinosaurs to learn which category they belong to.

In DT. we will look at dinosaurs and their different body parts. We will learn about the skeleton and look at how this is different for each dinosaur species. 

We will then generate our own ideas to create our own moving dinosaur! We will design, create and then evaluate our dinosaurs. We will discuss the tools that we have used to create our model and how we have manipulated the materials.

In PSHE, we will be looking at safety and how to keep ourselves safe indoors and outdoors. We will look at different dangers in our environment and learn how to manage risks to keep ourselves safe. 

We will then move on to identifying our feelings and discussing what makes us feel good. We will talk about our successes and celebrate each and every one of us!

We will be continuing with our Read Write Inc Phonics Groups daily to develop our reading skills.

Home Learning:

We are continuing with the homework Rainbow this year, which can be found in the front of the children’s homework books. The children will have a range of tasks to choose from, and their points will be added up each week. Homework books should be returned to school on Wednesdays.

New reading books will be sent out weekly, we ask that you read with your child every day and write a short comment in their reading record to let us know how your child is doing with the book.

Please follow the links below if you wish to continue further learning at home;

Maths - https://whiteroseeducation.com/parent-pupil-resources/maths/home-learning

Phonics - https://www.ruthmiskin.com/parents/


PE Kit:

PE lesson will continue to take place on a weekly basis every Friday. Please can all children come dressed in their new PE kits which were given out at the beginning of the year and make sure they have a water bottle with them.


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Curriculum Newsletters

How else can you help at home?

  • Read to an adult every day for at least 10 minutes – books can be changed daily at school.
  • Complete homework activities as these are often practising skills learnt in class, especially in numeracy and spellings.
  • Talk to your children about their topic and encourage them to talk about their school day.
